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重相型分子蒸馏 全夹套系列

更新日期:2019-03-29   浏览量:3157




Instrument Features

  • 蒸发效率非常高,可以减少保留时间,具有zui小的时间延迟

High evaporation efficiency and reduced retention time, with minimal time delay

  • 分子蒸馏系统由高硼硅玻璃3.3316L不锈钢、PTFE组成,因此具有具有*的防腐蚀能力

Short path distillation is made from high borosilicate glass 3.3 and PTFE, which have excellent corrosion resistance

  • 分子蒸馏系统的主体由高硼硅玻璃3.3制成,可很好的观察到整个工艺的运转过程

Main body of Short path distillation is made of high borosilicate glass 3.3, allowing the whole process to be observed very clearly

  • 高精度的蒸馏器筒身,使液体在加热表面形成完整的一体化薄膜。筒身内壁光滑洁净,内壁光滑洁亮,不易粘料和结垢

High-precision distillation barrel allows the liquid to form a complete and unified thin film on the heated surface. The smooth inner surface, avoid stick and scaling

  • 蒸馏器筒身的蒸馏表面和冷凝表面间隔距离短,便于轻组分分子的运动到冷凝器表面,高于市场同类产品的蒸馏效率

Higher efficiency distillation, the distance between distillation surface and condenser surface is shorter,so that the molecule of light componet is easy to move to the condenser surface.

  • 德国技术品牌变频减速电机,运行安全可靠;带自冷风扇,可长时间连续工作

German technology brand frequency conversion deceleration motor, with self-cooling fan, long time continuous working

  • 磁力传动系统使得整机密封得以实现,驱动电机的传动杆无需穿过主蒸馏器的密封面。整分子蒸馏系统密封性能好,zui低真空度可达0.1Pa甚至更低。

Magnetic force transmission make film forming system separate from motor, the top sealing of distillation barrel have no dwang through. The whole System performs a completed sealing. Min Vacuum degree can reach 0.1Pa.

  • 系统的zui高温度可以达到230℃/300℃,可实现的温度控制

Highest temperature of the system can reach 230℃/300, accurate temperature control can be realized

►  zui大理论真空度可达5Pa或0.1Pa(需配备次级扩散泵)

Max. theory vacuum degree can reach 5Pa or 0.1Pa (Should equipped with Secondary Diffusion Vacuum Pump)

►  有刮板成膜系统和自清洁辊轮成膜系统可供选择

Scraper Model and self-cleaning roller Model film forming system are available

►  蒸馏器筒身有玻璃和不锈钢材质可供选择,另玻璃蒸馏器有半包和全包两种形式

The barrel of the distiller has glass and stainless steel material for selection, and the glass distiller has two forms of half and full package.

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